【rainy day】
it's a rainy day,
n' my heart has turnin blue.
as blue as the sky outside the car,
as blue as,
the cold air i breathe inside.
as blue as,
how it turns out to be when thinkin about you.
it's 6th of may, saturday
date doesn't mean anythin;
but it makes me on-heart-counting, since the day
you leave me……
leavin me alone, with my empty heart
you use to promise to stay with.
ta da ta da ta da,
it's a rainy evening,n' rain droppin on the glass
n' den spreadin over, joinin the other
followin the flow of gravity, until
i see no more……
tellin' me that maybe i should,
get u away from my mind.
thinkin u no more~
it's no more a rainy day,
can barely open my eye, the beam of sunlight
shooting from the window.
get closer,
i can feel the warmness.
like how i feel when ur lips getting closer with mine
i took a pic, with my camera.
a pic, about
the sky, the rain, the sunlight,
maybe even u n' me……
n wonder if i can see
the rainbow, after rain?